Saturday, July 25, 2009

21 q's with Chris Weitz

Can you talk about what it was like who had all sort of established these characters, and to come in as a new director. Did you learn anything by talking to anyone else, or did you just sort of go your own way?
CW: I think that I always actually go into any movie knowing that a confident actor is probably going to know as much if not more of what their character is about than I will, even if it isn’t a franchise because that’s their job, but it’s especially the case when they’ve played these characters falling in love. They’ve kind of lived with these characters as well as with the franchise for quite awhile.

My first job was to ask them what they thought of the script and what they thought their characters would be up to and to kind of work along with them. Obviously, it was going to be a different experience for them, it’s going to be a different kind of movie because in a way I’m much more old-fashioned than Catherine Hardwicke in terms of my film taste and in terms of the way the film was going to turn out. So it was sort of a balancing act between respecting everything that they brought to the table knowing the characters as well as they did, and what I thought that I could bring.

And also it was great to be with Taylor Lautner as he went from a character who had three small scenes in the first movie, he only worked three days in the first movie or something like that, to one of the dominant characters in the movie. That was really, really, a really fun process, also because he’s a great guy. All of the kids, as I like to call them, because I’m 39 and that kind of makes me twice their age, were fun to work with and clever and smart and thoughtful about it.

read the whole interview at

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