which fictional vampire, Bill or Edward, would reign supreme?
The Case for Bill:
Bill is just slightly older than Edward so he's a got bit more fighting experience under his belt. He also lives alone and while he was part of a coven in the past, those blood-sucking "buddies" are all but dead. While this makes him an independent fighter, it also means he has no one to back him up. He's clearly got a ton of pent-up aggression, what with Sookie taking up with that dog, so he may be able to use that in his favor. Then again, his tendency to leap with his heart rather than his head might trip him up.
He's younger than Bill and that means that he's stronger. But, he's a vegetarian which in a one-on-one battle might be a detriment. (Think back, has he ever fought a blood-sucking vampire on his own? Others have always been nearby to help.) His strong bond with his vegetarian vampire family would certainly come in handy, as would his ability to read the thoughts of his attacker. Edward is also known to remain clear-headed in high-tension situations and that is always useful when facing a formidable foe. Remember how he sucked the venom from Bella? Would a blood-sucking vampire like Bill be able to exhibit that kind of restraint?
Both vampires are exceedingly strong and both have a weakness in sunlight. Both vampires get points for looks and chivalry, as well as devotion to their human girlfriends. (Mere mortal men, take note!) We want to know who you think would make it out of this undead battle still undead and who would be going home in a coffin for good.
edward will win!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEdward will rip Bill to pieces!!